Orange 3D Shape


Kangaroo the

Jumping coin

$ROO - kangaroo the jumping coin

Prepare to embark on an exhilarating adventure with Kangaroo the Jumping Coin, a ​one-of-a-kind experience in the realm of digital currencies! ROO, an experimental ​SIP-10 token, has made its grand entrance on the Stacks blockchain, ready to ​redefine the boundaries of memecoins and defy expectations.

Launching with an initial supply of 42,000,000 ROO tokens, this intrepid coin has ​already captured the imagination of crypto enthusiasts with its ambitious vision. 5% ​of the supply was reserved for airdrops, ensuring a fair distribution to its loyal ​supporters. As a testament to its commitment to inclusivity, no team tokens were ​allocated, making ROO a truly community-driven endeavor.

The ROO token was unleashed to the world through a unique public token swap ​event, where participants could exchange 30 STX for a whopping 10,000 ROO. Anti-​whale measures were put in place to ensure a level playing field, with a cap of ​50,000 ROO per participant. This massively succesful event saw the ROO token fully ​sold out in a mere two hours, leaving the Stacks community in awe of its meteoric ​rise.

Fueled by the success of the token swap, the STX/ROO liquidity pool was born at the ​Velar exchange. A total of 900,000 ROO tokens were heroically sacrificed to balance ​the pool, leaving approximately 41,100,000 tokens in circulation.

But the excitement doesn't end there! ROO is a deflationary token, thanks to the ​first of its kind Zolana blockchain game. In this high-stakes game, players can burn ​varying amounts of ROO in their quest to win a variety of prizes, adding an extra ​layer of thrill to the ROO experience.

ROO holders can also participate in farming at the Velar exchange, where they can ​earn ROO rewards through a combination of staking and trading fees. With an APY ​of 21% on the ROO/STX farming pair, holders can enjoy real yield without ​experiencing a dilution of their token value.

For those seeking even more adventure, ROO holders have the option to liquid stake ​their tokens at the Charisma DAO. By staking their ROO, holders receive sROO as a ​reward, and can even use it to generate the legendary WOOOOO token, a unique SIP-​10 token composed of sROO and sWELSH.

So, strap in and get ready for a wild ride with Kangaroo the Jumping Coin, where ​excitement and innovation collide in the world of digital currencies. Are you ready ​to leap into the future with ROO?

Orange 3D Shape

LP + Farming + swaps

How to Swap for ROO

  • Go to Velar Exchange
  • Connect STX Wallet
  • Choose STX/ROO pair
  • Confirm Transaction

How to Stake/Farm ROO

To Farm Velar, first you will need to add to the ROO/STX ​liquidity pool. The process is as follows:

  • Choose the Pool option near the top of the Velar page
  • Select the STX/ROO pool
  • Add in an equal USD amount of STX and ROO
  • Press Confirm
  • At this stage you will receive ROO/STX Liquidity tokens
  • Now select the Farm option from the top of the Velar page
  • Select the STX/ROO farm
  • Deposit your STX/ROO liquidity tokens and select stake

Congratulations, you are now a Kangaroo farmer!

Orange 3D Shape


We​lsh + ROO Liquid token

How to Create sROO

sROO is a form of liquid ROO that you can obtain by staking ​ROO in the Charisma DAO. By doing so you can earn a passive ​yield (much like farming), and also use your liquid ROO to ​obtain WOO.

  • Go to the Charisma page and select liquid staked ROO near ​the top of the screen
  • Enter the amount of ROO that you would like to deposit
  • Receive your sROO (liquid ROO) in return

How to Create WOO

WOO is a one of its kind SIP 10 token that is made up of sROO ​and sWELSH. In order to create WOO you will need to follow ​the same process that you used to get your sROO, except ​with using WELSH. From there you simply go to the WOOOOO ​section of the charisma page, and add equal USD amounts of ​sROO and sWELSH, and confirm the transaction to get you ​WOOOOO.

Orange 3D Shape



Liquid ROO